Anxiety-Free Living New
This script assists individuals in conquering anxiety and living a life free from its grip. It takes them on a mental journey where they learn to let go of anxiety, embrace calmness, and replace anxious thoughts with a sense of confidence and well-being. They are encouraged to envision their worries as distant echoes and replace them with feelings of security and self-absurdness. |
Be Happy – Direct Approach
If you’re interested in becoming happy now then there is no better way than using the direct approach. These are direct suggestions for becoming happy. This script will help you to become happy in all areas of your life including health, wealth and your relationships. |
Breaking Free from Addiction New
This script is tailored for individuals on the path to recovery from addiction. It takes participants on a transformative journey where they visualize themselves breaking free from the grip of addiction. The script encourages individuals to let go of addictive behaviors and embrace a life of sobriety, emphasizing empowerment, self-control, and a healthy, addiction-free future. |
Building a Positive Self-Image New
This script is designed to help individuals enhance their self-esteem and develop a positive self-image. It takes participants on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, encouraging them to visualize themselves as confident, capable, and worthy. The script helps individuals let go of self-doubt and critical self-talk, replacing these with a profound sense of self-worth and a positive self-image. |
Calm Your Anxious Mind New
This is for those experiencing panic attacks, this script guides individuals through a calming journey to manage and reduce panic. It encourages participants to visualize themselves in a state of tranquility, free from the grip of panic attacks. The script helps individuals let go of anxiety and embrace a sense of calm and self-control, enabling them to navigate panic-inducing situations with greater ease. |
Charisma, Magnetic Personality
You have a rare trait found only in certain personalities called charisma. You are very charming and have a ‘magnetic’ personality and appearance. You find that your charisma is becoming more and more evident from those around you. Others are attracted to your charisma and enjoy being around you. |
Childbirth, Hypnosis for New
This script is designed to assist expectant mothers in preparing for childbirth. It takes participants on a soothing journey of mental and emotional preparation for the childbirth experience. The script encourages women to visualize a calm and positive childbirth experience, emphasizing relaxation and inner strength. It aims to instill confidence and comfort during the process of labor and delivery. |
Confidence in Social Situations New
This script takes individuals on a transformative journey toward self-assurance in social situations. It encourages them to visualize themselves as confident and at ease in social interactions. The script helps participants let go of social anxiety and replace it with a profound sense of self-absurdness and comfort in social settings. |
Control Your Anger New
This script is intended to help individuals manage and control their anger in healthy ways. It takes participants on a transformative journey where they learn to release anger and embrace emotional balance. The script empowers individuals to let go of impulsive reactions and cultivate self-control, promoting healthier and more constructive responses to anger-triggering situations. |
Decision Making
You make good decisions from this point forward … because you want to … and you realize that you are able to … You have the confidence in yourself that you can make the right decision… |
Confidence is built on accomplishment. If you achieve small or big goals, you’re going to feel much better about yourself. This script will help you to identify your goals, follow through with them helping you to be confident with yourself. It will also help you to monitor your thought process in eliminating negativity. |
Confidence for Therapists
No matter what kind of therapist you may be … realize that you attained that title by training … and learning how to use the many tools you have available to help your clients. In other words … You know how to do what it is you need to do, or you would not be in this occupation. |
Confidence in Women
Let’s reflect for a while on confidence. Confidence is a belief in oneself, and you have already shown confidence in yourself today. By agreeing to this session, you have shown confidence in your own ability to improve and to overcome the obstacles that hold you back. Take a moment now to reflect on that idea… |
Confidence – In Dating
One of the most important aspects of dating success is to be yourself, just as you are. No one likes a fake nor do people like to be duped, especially in such personal situations as dating when you can feel and be very vulnerable. This hypnosis script will affirm in the clients subconscious that they are perfect dating material just as they are. This will build their dating confidence leading to finding the match of someone who will ultimately love them just for who they are. |
Confidence Magical Speaker Method
You have come to the city of Confidence today to attend a conference, along with lots of other people who seek to have much more confidence than they have ever had before… You take your seat as the speaker takes the floor… everyone is here to hear the message of confidence in this magic auditorium… where everything that the speaker says becomes your reality.. |
Creating a Safe Space
I’d like you to use your imagination right now, just imagine that you are in an empty space and you are going to create a beautiful, relaxing, peaceful room. This will be a room that you can resort to any time you like. A safe place that no one else knows about but you. |
Developing Peace in Life
You have a desire to developed and keep peace in your life … You are going to develop a few new techniques or qualities that will help you to keep peace with your family, friends, co-workers and even with strangers … In order to keep peace you must be aware that it takes a conscious effort. |
Eliminate Self Sabotage Behavior
We are all guilty of self-sabotaging behavior at various times in our lives. Behavior such as self-doubt, perfectionism, comfort zone living, negative self-talk etc. Any or all of these behaviors, unless confronted and overcome, can chain a person to a life of disappointment and regret. This script will allow a client to get out of their own way and provide them with a new vision of themselves as a “can do” person. |
Enhance Your Memory New
This script assists individuals in enhancing their memory and cognitive abilities. It guides them through a mental journey where they visualize themselves with a sharp and efficient memory. The script emphasizes techniques for memory improvement and supports individuals in their quest to retain and recall information effectively. |
Environment Awareness
This is for people who want to become more environmentally conscious by helping them to make better choices. Saving energy not only helps the planet but also saves you money – So there’s and added motivation. |
Finding Ones Voice
You now speak in a confident manner. By being open and accepting of others they’ll respond in like to you. This script will help you to find youth true voice and express it whether speaking is small groups or even in public speaking on stage. Come find your voice. |
Gratitude to Happiness
What are you grateful for? Gratitude is one of the strongest of all emotions where it comes to being happy and attracting positive things to you. Reflecting on what your grateful for helps you to be happier and also attracts more of that item to you. This script will help you identify your top gratitude topics so you can utilize them to raise your vibration whenever needed. |
Happiness Rescue Plan
There are many times throughout the day when you can use something to bring your attitude and mood back up. In this script you’ll create a happiness rescue plan that you can refer to whenever you’re in need of immediate happiness. |
Acceptance LGBT
There’s no such thing as “normal”. This script will help you to create your own sense of normal and to feel good about it. The first step in the journey of self-acceptance begins with you |
Managing Test Anxiety – Test-Taking Confidence New
This script is designed to assist individuals in managing test anxiety and enhancing their confidence during exams. It takes participants on a calming journey where they visualize themselves as calm, prepared, and confident test-takers. The script emphasizes relaxation techniques, self-assurance, and the ability to perform at their best during tests, promoting test-taking confidence. |
Motivation and Goal Achievement New
This script is designed to inspire individuals to set and achieve their goals. It takes participants on a motivational journey where they visualize themselves actively pursuing their dreams with determination and passion. The script instills a sense of purpose and commitment, helping individuals overcome obstacles and move closer to their aspirations. |
Overcome Procrastination New
This script is designed to help individuals overcome procrastination and improve their productivity. It guides participants through a journey of self-discovery, encouraging them to understand the root causes of procrastination. The script then empowers individuals to let go of procrastination tendencies and embrace a proactive and focused approach to tasks and goals. |
Positive Thinking New
This script is designed to help individuals cultivate a positive mindset and outlook on life. It takes participants on a mental journey where they visualize themselves as optimists, embracing positivity and resilience in the face of challenges. The script emphasizes the transformative power of positive thinking in enhancing overall well-being and life satisfaction. |
Public Speaking Confidence New
This script is intended to help individuals build confidence in public speaking. It guides them through an empowering journey where they visualize themselves as confident and articulate speakers. The script emphasizes techniques to manage anxiety and instills a sense of self-absurdness, enabling individuals to master the art of public speaking. |
Public Speaking – Nail it!
This script is intended for people who want to overcome the fear of public speaking. The focus is on building confidence and a sense of “I can do it”. This script assumes the client has good organizational and research skills in preparing a speech and simply wants to be more comfortable when actually speaking to a group of people. |
Public Speaking – Confidence
This script will help raise the confidence of anyone faced with the daunting task of speaking in public in front of a crowd. It has been noted that up to 75% of adults suffer from speech anxiety, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Positive visualization exercises are known to be one of the most effective methods of overcoming confidence issues, especially in the arena of public speaking. |
Public Speaking – With a Little Help
You’ll begin to see that those you speak to and come into contact as your friends and helpers as well as all the people you meet in your daily activities. As you look at the audience in public speaking you’ll notice all of your friends and helpers sitting there, smiling and ready for what you have to say. |
Re-invent Yourself
There are certain things that you would like to change about yourself. It is important to realize that the way you are now, is a result of your past thoughts and memories. The things that you have placed your thoughts, focus and energy on in the past have made you the person that you are. Now’s the time to create a new you. |
Speaking Slower (To speak slower)
This is for those who speak so quickly to get everything out that they are not understood by those listening. You’ll learn to slow down, pause and leave people waiting for you to speak… hanging on your words rather than being rushed. |
Test Taking
Every one of us has suffered from nerves at some time when about to take a test or sit for an exam. You did all the work; you did all the study; you read all the information time after time. But there you sit, faced with a question you know you know the answer to, but you just can’t recall it! You needed a way to access that information you stored away in your memory banks. This script is the way. |
Unleash Your Confidence New
This script is designed to help individuals unlock their inner confidence and self-assurance. It guides them through an imaginative experience where they visualize themselves as confident and self-assured individuals. The script encourages individuals to let go of self-doubt and embrace their inner strength, instilling a sense of empowerment and the ability to face challenges with a strong, confident mindset. |
Unlock Your Inner Power New
This script is a training module for self-hypnosis, enabling individuals to harness their inner power and make positive changes in their lives. It guides participants through the process of self-hypnosis, teaching them to induce a trance-like state for self-improvement and personal growth. The script empowers individuals to unlock their inner potential, promoting self-mastery and self-directed change. |