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CLICK for SAMPLE #1: Enhancing Positive Parenting.
CLICK for SAMPLE #2: Strengthening the Immune System.
CATEGORIES OF SCRIPTS (Last Update 19/15/24)

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 Inductions, deepeners & Awakenings
(Over 100 Manuals)
(40 New Scripts)
For your personal use!



(Includes Scrips that are NOT in Another Category)

Anxiety-Free Living New

This script assists individuals in conquering anxiety and living a life free from its grip. It takes them on a mental journey where they learn to let go of anxiety, embrace calmness, and replace anxious thoughts with a sense of confidence and well-being. They are encouraged to envision their worries as distant echoes and replace them with feelings of security and self-absurdness.

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Be Happy – Direct Approach

If you’re interested in becoming happy now then there is no better way than using the direct approach. These are direct suggestions for becoming happy. This script will help you to become happy in all areas of your life including health, wealth and your relationships.


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Breaking Free from Addiction New

This script is tailored for individuals on the path to recovery from addiction. It takes participants on a transformative journey where they visualize themselves breaking free from the grip of addiction. The script encourages individuals to let go of addictive behaviors and embrace a life of sobriety, emphasizing empowerment, self-control, and a healthy, addiction-free future.

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Building a Positive Self-Image New

This script is designed to help individuals enhance their self-esteem and develop a positive self-image. It takes participants on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, encouraging them to visualize themselves as confident, capable, and worthy. The script helps individuals let go of self-doubt and critical self-talk, replacing these with a profound sense of self-worth and a positive self-image.

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Calm Your Anxious Mind  New

This is for those experiencing panic attacks, this script guides individuals through a calming journey to manage and reduce panic. It encourages participants to visualize themselves in a state of tranquility, free from the grip of panic attacks. The script helps individuals let go of anxiety and embrace a sense of calm and self-control, enabling them to navigate panic-inducing situations with greater ease.

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Charisma, Magnetic Personality

You have a rare trait found only in certain personalities called charisma.  You are very charming and have a ‘magnetic’ personality and appearance.  You find that your charisma is becoming more and more evident from those around you.  Others are attracted to your charisma and enjoy being around you.


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Childbirth, Hypnosis for New

This script is designed to assist expectant mothers in preparing for childbirth. It takes participants on a soothing journey of mental and emotional preparation for the childbirth experience. The script encourages women to visualize a calm and positive childbirth experience, emphasizing relaxation and inner strength. It aims to instill confidence and comfort during the process of labor and delivery.


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Confidence in Social Situations New

This script takes individuals on a transformative journey toward self-assurance in social situations. It encourages them to visualize themselves as confident and at ease in social interactions. The script helps participants let go of social anxiety and replace it with a profound sense of self-absurdness and comfort in social settings.

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Control Your Anger New

This script is intended to help individuals manage and control their anger in healthy ways. It takes participants on a transformative journey where they learn to release anger and embrace emotional balance. The script empowers individuals to let go of impulsive reactions and cultivate self-control, promoting healthier and more constructive responses to anger-triggering situations.


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Decision Making

You make good decisions from this point forward … because you want to … and you realize that you are able to …  You have the confidence in yourself that you can make the right decision…


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Confidence is built on accomplishment. If you achieve small or big goals, you’re going to feel much better about yourself. This script will help you to identify your goals, follow through with them helping you to be confident with yourself. It will also help you to monitor your thought process in eliminating negativity.


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Confidence for Therapists

No matter what kind of therapist you may be … realize that you attained that title by training … and learning how to use the many tools you have available to help your clients.  In other words … You know how to do what it is you need to do, or you would not be in this occupation.


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Confidence in Women

Let’s reflect for a while on confidence.  Confidence is a belief in oneself, and you have already shown confidence in yourself today.  By agreeing to this session, you have shown confidence in your own ability to improve and to overcome the obstacles that hold you back.  Take a moment now to reflect on that idea…


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Confidence – In Dating

One of the most important aspects of dating success is to be yourself, just as you are. No one likes a fake nor do people like to be duped, especially in such personal situations as dating when you can feel and be very vulnerable. This hypnosis script will affirm in the clients subconscious that they are perfect dating material just as they are. This will build their dating confidence leading to finding the match of someone who will ultimately love them just for who they are.


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Confidence Magical Speaker Method

You have come to the city of Confidence today to attend a conference, along with lots of other people who seek to have much more confidence than they have ever had before… You take your seat as the speaker takes the floor… everyone is here to hear the message of confidence in this magic auditorium… where everything that the speaker says becomes your reality..


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Creating a Safe Space

I’d like you to use your imagination right now, just imagine that you are in an empty space and you are going to create a beautiful, relaxing, peaceful room.  This will be a room that you can resort to any time you like.  A safe place that no one else knows about but you.


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Developing Peace in Life

You have a desire to developed and keep peace in your life …  You are going to develop a few new techniques or qualities that will help you to keep peace with your family, friends, co-workers and even with strangers …  In order to keep peace you must be aware that it takes a conscious effort.


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Eliminate Self Sabotage Behavior

We are all guilty of self-sabotaging behavior at various times in our lives. Behavior such as self-doubt, perfectionism, comfort zone living, negative self-talk etc. Any or all of these behaviors, unless confronted and overcome, can chain a person to a life of disappointment and regret. This script will allow a client to get out of their own way and provide them with a new vision of themselves as a “can do” person.


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Enhance Your Memory New

This script assists individuals in enhancing their memory and cognitive abilities. It guides them through a mental journey where they visualize themselves with a sharp and efficient memory. The script emphasizes techniques for memory improvement and supports individuals in their quest to retain and recall information effectively.


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Environment Awareness

This is for people who want to become more environmentally conscious by helping them to make better choices. Saving energy not only helps the planet but also saves you money – So there’s and added motivation.


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Finding Ones Voice

You now speak in a confident manner.  By being open and accepting of others they’ll respond in like to you. This script will help you to find youth true voice and express it whether speaking is small groups or even in public speaking on stage. Come find your voice.


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Gratitude to Happiness

What are you grateful for? Gratitude is one of the strongest of all emotions where it comes to being happy and attracting positive things to you. Reflecting on what your grateful for helps you to be happier and also attracts more of that item to you. This script will help you identify your top gratitude topics so you can utilize them to raise your vibration whenever needed.


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Happiness Rescue Plan

There are many times throughout the day when you can use something to bring your attitude and mood back up. In this script you’ll create a happiness rescue plan that you can refer to whenever you’re in need of immediate happiness.


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Acceptance LGBT

There’s no such thing as “normal”.  This script will help you to create your own sense of normal and to feel good about it. The first step in the journey of self-acceptance begins with you


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Managing Test Anxiety – Test-Taking Confidence  New

This script is designed to assist individuals in managing test anxiety and enhancing their confidence during exams. It takes participants on a calming journey where they visualize themselves as calm, prepared, and confident test-takers. The script emphasizes relaxation techniques, self-assurance, and the ability to perform at their best during tests, promoting test-taking confidence.


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Motivation and Goal Achievement  New

This script is designed to inspire individuals to set and achieve their goals. It takes participants on a motivational journey where they visualize themselves actively pursuing their dreams with determination and passion. The script instills a sense of purpose and commitment, helping individuals overcome obstacles and move closer to their aspirations.


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Overcome Procrastination New

This script is designed to help individuals overcome procrastination and improve their productivity. It guides participants through a journey of self-discovery, encouraging them to understand the root causes of procrastination. The script then empowers individuals to let go of procrastination tendencies and embrace a proactive and focused approach to tasks and goals.


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Positive Thinking New

This script is designed to help individuals cultivate a positive mindset and outlook on life. It takes participants on a mental journey where they visualize themselves as optimists, embracing positivity and resilience in the face of challenges. The script emphasizes the transformative power of positive thinking in enhancing overall well-being and life satisfaction.


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Public Speaking Confidence New

This script is intended to help individuals build confidence in public speaking. It guides them through an empowering journey where they visualize themselves as confident and articulate speakers. The script emphasizes techniques to manage anxiety and instills a sense of self-absurdness, enabling individuals to master the art of public speaking.


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Public Speaking – Nail it!

This script is intended for people who want to overcome the fear of public speaking.  The focus is on building confidence and a sense of “I can do it”.  This script assumes the client has good organizational and research skills in preparing a speech and simply wants to be more comfortable when actually speaking to a group of people.


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Public Speaking – Confidence

This script will help raise the confidence of anyone faced with the daunting task of speaking in public in front of a crowd. It has been noted that up to 75% of adults suffer from speech anxiety, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Positive visualization exercises are known to be one of the most effective methods of overcoming confidence issues, especially in the arena of public speaking.


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Public Speaking – With a Little Help

You’ll begin to see that those you speak to and come into contact as your friends and helpers as well as all the people you meet in your daily activities.  As you look at the audience in public speaking you’ll notice all of your friends and helpers sitting there,  smiling and ready for what you have to say.


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Re-invent Yourself

There are certain things that you would like to change about yourself. It is important to realize that the way you are now, is a result of your past thoughts and memories. The things that you have placed your thoughts, focus and energy on in the past have made you the person that you are. Now’s the time to create a new you.


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Speaking Slower (To speak slower)

This is for those who speak so quickly to get everything out that they are not understood by those listening.  You’ll learn to slow down, pause and leave people waiting for you to speak…  hanging on your words rather than being rushed.


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Test Taking

Every one of us has suffered from nerves at some time when about to take a test or sit for an exam. You did all the work; you did all the study; you read all the information time after time. But there you sit, faced with a question you know you know the answer to, but you just can’t recall it! You needed a way to access that information you stored away in your memory banks. This script is the way.


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Unleash Your Confidence New

This script is designed to help individuals unlock their inner confidence and self-assurance. It guides them through an imaginative experience where they visualize themselves as confident and self-assured individuals. The script encourages individuals to let go of self-doubt and embrace their inner strength, instilling a sense of empowerment and the ability to face challenges with a strong, confident mindset.


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Unlock Your Inner Power New

This script is a training module for self-hypnosis, enabling individuals to harness their inner power and make positive changes in their lives. It guides participants through the process of self-hypnosis, teaching them to induce a trance-like state for self-improvement and personal growth. The script empowers individuals to unlock their inner potential, promoting self-mastery and self-directed change.


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The disorder of anorexia that you have been afflicted with in the past began at a certain time of your life.  It had not been there forever.  Therefore at some time you had made a conscious choice of this behavior.  Knowing that, it is important to realize that just as the disorder began through your thought process, with a decision that you had made, it will be eliminated in the same manner…


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Anxiety- The Gift Technique

You have arrived at home with your wonderful selection of gifts… It is now time for you to unwrap each parcel and to take ownership of all that they contain… these are very special gifts… invisible to the naked eye… but so very real in every way… they are gifts that will remain with you for the rest of your life… infused within yourself…

Each gift will give you an added strength to deal with Anxiety on every level. A wonderful script to build a well rounded, positive and self assured person.


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Arthritis Reduction

I’d like to speak to you about pain and discomfort for a moment.  Pain is your body’s natural way of letting you know that something is not orderly inside you and needs immediate attention.  It is similar to an early warning system.  Therefore it is a good thing.  Just as a smoke alarm in a home is a good thing … it is designed as an early warning system to alert you of danger, so you have a chance to check the home and take action.


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Asthma, Relaxing Vacation

As you enjoy this wonderful relaxation I want you to project yourself now to a beautiful place in nature… Imagine a lovely sandy beach on a warm summer’s day… and you are walking across the sand in your bare feet, feeling those little grains of sand between your toes, and in places the sand is warm and your feet may even begin to tingle, just a little.


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Beating Insomnia

Imagine being able to get a good night’s sleep and actually feeling rested the next day.

In this session we will help you to get more consistent restorative, uninterrupted sleep.  There are things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep such as focus on your breathing… Let’s get started now…


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Birthing, Relaxation

Now it’s time to give yourself permission to relax… Allow your eyelids to gently close… your lips to gently part… and take in a deep breath… Allow this breath to flow from your mouth… and down to your toes… over every inch of your body… After each and every breath… you are going to feel more and more relaxed than before.


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Breast Enlargement

There’s a part of your mind that knows how to make changes in your physical body. It knows how to heal a cut or a wound, how to grow cells and tissue and it knows how to stop healing when your body is well. It also knows how to regulate blood flow, cell growth, tissue growth, muscle growth and everything that happens in your physical body.


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Burping Relief

You have come to the point that burping has been more than a bodily function and has begun to get out of hand, a nuisance and at times even an embarrassment.  Now you have decided it is time to do something about it.


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Cancer, Eliminating

The fact that you are having these sessions, and have committed yourself to be hypnotized the, reveals that you are determined to get rid of the pain from every part of your body and have your body restored and rejuvenated to a healthy, strong body…


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You are now free from the constipation of the past.  The reason that you are free now is that you understand the basic causes of constipation and are now taking active measures to be healthier.  From this moment forward these are the steps that you will take.

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Deep Relaxation

“Time-out!” How often during our busy lives have we wished that we could just call “time out” and everything would stop for a short while, while we relax deeply and regain the energy to resume. Perhaps a short daydream, just like this script, is all that your client needs.


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Dental Distress

You are very relaxed…comfortable… and safe. Even when you are sitting in the chair for your dentist’s office, you will be safe, and will remain calm. In the past you have experienced anxiety when visiting the dentist. As of today, that will be no more. You will remain calm and relaxed once you sit in the dentist’s chair.


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Depression to Happiness

I want you to think about the feeling you have been having regarding being depressed.  It is not uncommon being depressed, however, this is only a temporary state that you are experiencing.  In fact this feeling is not far from where you actually want to be, happy.

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Dyslexia, Imagine the Goal You

You have made the first step to eliminating your disorder of dyslexia by being here.  You have finally come to the decision that this disorder has run Its course.  That it is now time to replace the disorder with order, the dysfunctionality with functionality… and the way you are going to do that starting right now, is by utilizing the power of your strong imagination.  That’s right, just by using your imagination.


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Dyslexia, in Control

You have a strong mind, a good mind… Your brain works faster the then those that don’t have Dyslexia!   Your brain is like the most wonderful computer, a super computer.Most of the Great men of this world, inventors, scientists, Leaders of Nations and some of the best actors and Managing Directors of some of the largest Companies in the world, are and have been Dyslexic and they have used that wonderful super computer of a brain that they have to become the Great people they are today.


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Eye Sight improvement, Astigmatism & Myopia

You are here now to make positive changes to your vision… You now accept your capacity to see clearly your past, present, and future with love and joy… You are now willing to see your own beauty and magnificence… You accept Divine guidance and are always safe…


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You can transform whatever feminine attribute you’d like from the inside out. This script will help it to be a natural, un-forced transformation turning you into the person you’d like to be. The time it takes to make these changes is completely up to you.


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I’m Healthy Now

All healing is done through your own subconscious mind. One of the main traits of the subconscious is that there is only now. The past and present are conscious constructs and do not exist in the subconscious. Now is the moment of change. Now is the moment of healing. This script will help to bring you to the now so you can create the changes you desire.


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Immune System Booster – Healing Faster

Opening your immune system requires two things. The first one is to eliminate stress as your immune system cannot operate while being stressed. The second one is to create an “action” that will open your immune system. It takes an action to stop it and become stressed and it also takes an action to open it. This script will help you to open your immune system at will.


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Nail Biting

This script will ingrain a new way of dealing with stress rather than biting your fingernails free to grow.  As a result your nails can grow strong, healthy and long so you can be proud of them and yourself for being in control.


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Nail Biting, a new Way of Thinking

This script will ingrain a new way of dealing with stress rather than biting your fingernails free to grow. As a result your nails can grow strong, healthy and long so you can be proud of them and yourself for being in control.


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Nail Biting, Replacing with Positive

Nail biting is an oral compulsive habit that can have a negative effect on a clients’ life in many ways. The good news is that, being a habit, it can be broken. The easiest way to do this is to replace it with a new and positive habit that will make the client feel relaxed and calm and reward them, over time, with a beautiful set of fingernails


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Pain-Free Living New

Tailored for individuals seeking relief from pain, this script guides them in managing and alleviating pain. It encourages participants to visualize a life without the burden of pain, helping them relax, release tension, and focus on soothing sensations. The script emphasizes the mind’s ability to influence pain perception and supports individuals in their journey towards pain-free living.


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Panic Attacks, A New Choice

These simple instructions will help you at the onset of panic attacks … and give you an alternative to the panic and fear of the past.

In ordered to be relieved of panic attacks it is important to understand what causes them …  Panic attacks may come about by things that you have been doing … that trigger an intense and anxiety provoking memory of a traumatic past events in your life, or even series of events  …  They can come from your own experiences or sometime the experiences of others …  They can be triggered by accidents, illnesses, the death of loved ones, or results of incidents that you were suddenly thrust into un-prepared …


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Phantom Pain Relief New

Tailored for those experiencing phantom pain, this script guides individuals through a calming journey to manage and reduce discomfort. It encourages participants to visualize themselves in a state of relief and comfort, free from the sensations of phantom pain. The script helps individuals let go of pain and discomfort, promoting relaxation and self-assurance.


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Sinus Disorders

Sinus disorder is considered a systemic illness that can be associated with stress, fatigue, diet and allergies.  Your sinuses are a large organ in your body that can tense up when your mind or body is under pressure; therefore I want you to allow your body to relax.


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Skin Disorders

As you sink deeper into relaxation, turn your attention to a soothing beautiful day.  Imagine yourself in a wonderful place where you feel happy and free from all worries.  Take a deep breath in, and each time you exhale from this moment on feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper going further and farther.  Become aware of the pleasant sounds in your sanctuary.  Let all worries and concerns melt away.  You are perfectly safe.


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This script helps you to concentrate on your breathing while you sleep allowing you to be in control of the rhythm and sound. You’ll subconsciously know if you begin to snore and stop it immediately to continue your deep, rhythmic sleep.


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Snoring, Rhythmic Relief

This script helps you to concentrate on your breathing while you sleep allowing you to be in control of the rhythm and sound. You’ll subconsciously know if you begin to snore and stop it immediately to continue your deep, rhythmic sleep.


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Stress Reduction, Getting the Job Done

In our modern stress filled lifestyle we often come under lots of pressure to get the “job” done. Always the “job”. Problem is we can’t possibly do any job all at once. Everything is done by chunking down or breaking a job down into doable parts – like rivets in a bridge – moments in time. When faced with the whole thing all at once we “freak out” or stress out. It’s all just too much. “I can’t do this”. To reduce the stress of any situation all that is required is a good old bit of chunking down to doable bits that can be done easily and with a stress free pace where everything just flows.


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General Health – Talking Responsibility for Me

Being responsible is the opposite of being a victim. This script will help you to eliminate the victim mentality by eliminating excuses and focusing on what’s important to you; your health.


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Tinnitus Reduction

As you drift down into that wonderfully calm and relaxing feeling… I want you to go inside and focus your mind completely on the sound in your ears that represents tinnitus to you… And as you focus your mind.. notice – how does it sound to you? How high or shrill is it on a scale of zero to ten? – Ten being the highest or shrillest it can possibly be – zero being non-existent?


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Warts, Vanishing Away

Think of warts as weeds in a garden… as you know weeds are plants and they need to be watered and have food from the soil to grow and stay alive… They need food and water to exist just like anything else.


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Take a deep cleansing breath and as you exhale allow yourself to relax completely … Now take a second deep cleansing breath … and as you exhale just let yourself go…  Now take a third deep breath … and as you exhale let your entire body relax and your mind become quiet … Allow all your thoughts to just fade away …  Each time thoughts come into your mind, allow them to leave … and fade away … just let go of them.


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Insomnia, Letting Go

Letting go is easy… your body relaxes naturally at the end of each day… so easy for you, as you relax at bed time every night… you always just let yourself go and relax… you are willing to release all resistance… as you go to bed each night you release the past… you forgive and you forget… you calmly let the day’s affairs drift away… recede into the past… you embrace sleep… sleep is your best friend and helper… you give yourself permission to sleep…


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Deep and Restful Sleep New

By Rene Bastarache, CI

This script is designed to assist individuals in achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep. It takes participants on a calming journey where they can visualize a peaceful night’s sleep and encourage deep relaxation. The script helps individuals let go of sleep disturbances and embrace a serene, restorative slumber, focusing on the benefits of waking up feeling refreshed and energized.


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Ancestral Journeying  New

Ancestral journeying is a practice of connecting with and honoring one’s ancestors. It is based on the belief that our ancestors have wisdom, guidance, and healing to offer us from the spirit world.

It involves traveling to the spirit realm to meet with one’s ancestors, asking for their guidance, and receiving messages or insights from them.


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Ascension Journeying  New

Ascension journeying is a spiritual practice that involves traveling to higher realms of consciousness to connect with one’s higher self and experience a deeper sense of inner peace, love, and joy.

Your goal is to connect with your higher self and tap into your own inner wisdom and intuition. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of your true purpose in life and overcome any limiting beliefs or fears that may be holding you back.


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Astral Travel  New
Astral travel, also known as astral projection, is a spiritual practice where an individual travels outside of their physical body and into the astral realm.The astral realm is believed to be a plane of existence that exists parallel to the physical world, where the consciousness can travel to and explore.During astral travel, individuals can explore different dimensions, planes of existence, and realms, and connect with their spiritual guides and allies.

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Dealing with Divorce

Dealing with the negative feelings associated with a divorce is a very common occurrence. You are not alone in any means. The fact is that you will feel better, and, you will have a happy life again. Everything will improve although it may seem difficult at the present. The most important change that is required right now is the changing of your mind.


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Dealing with Fear

The garden is all quiet and calm now as all you sense is the continuing calming effect of the breeze and the relaxing sound of my voice…

This is a deep relaxation that will help you to deal with stress head on while feeling calm and in control…


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Facing Fear with Courage

The garden is all quiet and calm now as all you sense is the continuing calming effect of the breeze and the relaxing sound of my voice…
This is a deep relaxation that will help you to deal with stress head on while feeling calm and in control…


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Fear of Criticism

This script assumes that the induction and a deepening have already been performed.  The imaginary person described in this script can be male or female as is most appropriate for the client.  I defaulted to female, because I personally have always found it easier to communicate and empathize with women, even though I am male.


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Fear of Dying

From the moment that we begin to think and perceive the life around us one thing becomes abundantly clear to us. All things come to pass. When the time has come, for a client, many will be gripped by fear.  This script is designed to get them to relax about the unfolding events and to give the life lived new meaning.


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Overcoming Fear of Failure

“One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again” – Henry Ford. Failure is indeed life’s greatest teacher. This script will allow your client to smash through fears of failure into ultimate success.


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Overcoming Phobias – Fear Free Living New

Tailored for those looking to conquer their phobias, this script takes participants on a transformative journey towards a fear-free life. It encourages them to confront and release their fears, replacing them with a sense of courage and resilience. The script helps individuals let go of the grip that phobias have on their lives and envision a future free from fear.


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Confidence – In Dating

One of the most important aspects of dating success is to be yourself, just as you are. No one likes a fake nor do people like to be duped, especially in such personal situations as dating when you can feel and be very vulnerable. This hypnosis script will affirm in the clients subconscious that they are perfect dating material just as they are. This will build their dating confidence leading to finding the match of someone who will ultimately love them just for who they are.


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Become A Non-Smoker

As you continue to relax… imagine waking up on a clear and crisp morning… Breathe deeply as you take in a healing breath of the fresh morning air…

You are in a special place where you go for reflection and thinking about things that are important to you… look around and notice how safe and comfortable you feel in your special place… imagine that you have all the power… courage… and determination to make decisions on how you want to live your life…


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Smoking, Cigarette Funeral

You are now a non-smoker and it is time to say a final goodbye. You know this is the time to do so as you enter the funeral home… As you do you notice, at the back of the room, a coffin… and as you make your way to the coffin, you notice the people around you…


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Smoking  & Drinking – The Deadly Trigger

The worst nightmare for someone who has decided to give up smoking is the remaining presence of an old trigger factor. One of the most common trigger factors is the relaxing beverage imbibed in by oneself at the end of a long day or event or the social drink with friends. A glass of wine and somehow, suddenly, that cigarette appears between your fingers and you can’t even remember how it got there! This script will successfully cut that connection.


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Smoking, Feel Good Mirror

As you concentrate… You become aware now that you’re releasing all of the energy that caused you to smoke, forever… As you now have decided to remain smoke-free permanently… You feel proud of yourself… You truly enjoy the feeling of the total freedom you get –from knowing that you are now and forever a non-smoker… You feel so proud of yourself –now that you’ve chosen life over death… You’ve chosen freedom over slavery… You’ve chosen vibrant health over being sickly and weak…


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Smoking Cessation – Gaining Willpower to Quit

The key to beginning the journey of overcoming any negative habit is gaining the “I want to power” or willpower to get started. They would like to but… but… but… Truth is they already have that willpower – it is inside all of us just waiting to be activated. This script is that activator.


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Smoking Cessation – Getting Back Up Again

We are all only human and no matter how hard we try, sooner or later, we will fall down. It’s just a part of life. The important thing is to get back up, brush yourself off, forgive yourself, and move forward once more with renewed vigor and determination. This script will give the fallen non-smoker the power to once more say “NO” and to mean it.


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Quitting Smoking – Healthy Desires

This hypnosis script is for a client that would dearly love to quit smoking for good for health reasons, but just needs the little shove in the back to make the change. They have expressed the desire for change, the script then makes the change for them, and then reinforces deeply the fact that they have now quit smoking and that they no longer desire to smoke cigarettes. They then get to see themselves as the “New You”.


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Nicotine Gum, Stop Chewing

You are stronger now… you have given up smoking and feel better for it and now have the strength to give up chewing nicotine gum… There are no stresses in your life that you can’t handle as you always achieve problem solving easy.


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Stop Smoking without Gaining Weight

One of the great fears of smokers considering quitting for good is the fear of gaining weight. The idle hands once busy holding a cigarette and the nerves once quieted by the act of smoking now seek food as a stop-gap. This hypnosis script will head that baddie off at the pass.


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Smoking Cessation – One Session Method

This is our most successful single session method. It covers virtually every aspect of smoking so if you wish to repeat it for multiple sessions you may remove or stress the specific parts as they are required. This session helps clients to take control of their own health and gives them the confidence to do it.


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Smoking Cessation – Quit Smoking for Good New

This script provides guidance and support to individuals looking to quit smoking permanently. It helps them visualize a life without cigarettes, emphasizing the benefits of improved health, enhanced well-being, and the freedom from addiction. Participants are encouraged to let go of smoking and imagine themselves as non-smokers, feeling empowered and determined to live a smoke-free life.


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Smoking, Purple Mist Method

You have come here today because you wish to stop smoking… and when this session is over you will no longer crave for cigarettes and the habit of picking up a cigarette pack will be gone forever.


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Smoking Cessation – Mind the Company You Keep

It is a common axiom that we become like the company we keep and to be careful how we choose our friends. This can be truly rephrased to read: We tend to adopt the habits adopted by the company we keep and to be careful of the habits of our friends for they may well become ours. So many reformed smokers take up the habit once more due to the fact that they have continued to associate with smokers. The social motions plus the passive smoke seal the deal. This script will make sure that your clients newly adopted non-smoking lifestyle stays that way as they go about their daily life.


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Smoking, The Way You Feel

I would like for you to change the way you feel cravings for cigarettes and it will be so very easy for you to do. Instead of tension or anxiety in relation to the desire for a cigarette you will just feel better, happier and fuller of energy.


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Vaping, Quit New

Tailored specifically for those looking to quit vaping, this script takes individuals on a journey to release their dependence on vaping devices. It encourages them to visualize a life free from vaping, highlighting the positive health effects and a renewed sense of control. The script helps participants let go of vaping and embrace a life without the need for e-cigarettes, focusing on their well-being and vitality.

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Archery, the Perfect Shot

This script has been written expressly for archers who would like to move forward from the status of weekend warrior to the level of a champion. They need to take the next step. They know that to do this they must be able to hit the bull repeatedly, time after time, as if on autopilot. Embedding the path to the perfect shot in their subconscious will make for the perfect shot in their reality.


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Basketball Imaging Success

This hypnosis script is for the seasoned basketball player who even though to others is seen as successful, has developed trouble seeing themselves as the success they are. This negative self-image may be impinging on their worth as a team member, player and washing over into their personal life as well. They just need to be reassured on a subconscious level that all is really well after all and they are indeed very good at their chosen sport.


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Body-BuildingGetting in the Zone

This hypnosis script is perfect for bodybuilders of any experience to intuitively gain the ability to enter what’s known as The Zone. Some call it the flow or the zone of optimal performance. It is a relaxed state of easy but somehow massive effort where everything just seems to flow. Champion bodybuilders know that being in the zone during a workout can produce optimal gains in muscle size and definition.


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Cheer-leading, Needing a Confidence Boost

Cheer-leading is a confidence game: you need lots of it to do what they do. This hypnosis script is for cheer-leaders who are really good at what they do but have noticed that they are starting to doubt their abilities as a cheerleader. It may have been derisive comments by friends, a team member, or just someone in the crowd. Whoever did it, it hit home. Doubt has set it in. This script will correct the problem and they can once again be loud and proud.


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Darts, When More Than Love is Needed

This is a script developed for dart players who absolutely love the game of darts, but, they want to go beyond just the love of darts. They want to excel at the sport they love. They need some mental skills to move on to things much bigger in the world of darts. This script will give them the confidence and the mentally enhanced abilities necessary to make the change they desire.


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Dealing with Pre-Game Nerves

This script is designed to help the client to cope with pre-game nerves.  The idea is not to make the “jitters” go away, but rather to help the client harness their energy and use them to put them at the top of their game.


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Enjoying Running

This script is designed to aid the runner, particularly the person who is new to running to experience the joy of running and the health benefits that go with it. A pattern of behaviors is established, and the client is taken on a virtual “run”.


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Football Jitters

This script is for any footballer, no matter how experienced, who suffers from the jitters before a game. They get to first see themselves as being able to relax whenever needed and then visualize themselves as being relaxed before a game. Finally they can make this visualization a permanent memory – the only way they have ever been or will be from now on. Relaxed, calm, cool and confident before a game.


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Golf, the Key to Positive Self-Belief

This script is for a client who expresses the wish that, if he/she could just get rid of all those nagging doubts and negative thoughts that his mind seems to be preoccupied with whenever he/she plays, a better game would result. It is a formula for replacing old negative and damaging thoughts with new and positive ways of thinking about their game of golf.


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Gymnastics, Overcoming the Fear of Tumbling

This script has been developed specifically for those gymnasts who, for whatever reason, have developed a fear of tumbling. It will take them through the releasing of old fears and doubts, the building of self-confidence, trusting their body and their coach, and finally, visualizing themselves performing perfect tumbles.


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Improving Marksmanship

This script is perfect for someone who enjoys the sport of shooting, but would like to find a way, a mechanism, to easily isolate themselves from all the usual distractions on the firing line. They would like to quiet their busy mind, and take that perfect shot, time after time.


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Marathon Training

The purpose of this script is to allow the client to prepare physically and mentally for running a marathon.  It begins with having the client define his or her goals for running and the strategies for bringing them about.


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Martial Arts

This script is designed to help you develop deliberate, precise and disciplined techniques in martial arts. It utilizes an analogy of the precise movements of a cat during the hunt. First you will observe and study what this discipline looks like so you can later imagine yourself moving in the mindset of the same discipline with your martial arts practice. This is both a unique and enjoyable method to attain perfection.


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Motivation for Exercise  New

This script is designed to inspire individuals to enjoy and embrace regular exercise as a part of their daily routine. It guides participants through an imaginative experience where they visualize themselves loving and looking forward to exercise. The script emphasizes the joy and benefits of physical activity, instilling a deep-seated motivation to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.


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Sports Mental Imagery, Generic

Sports professionals understand that the physical aspect of training is only fifty percent of the game. The other fifty percent is mental. You can get the physical part perfect but if the player can’t see or imagine themselves playing like a champion on the day, much time has been wasted. This is a generic hypnosis script that can easily be applied to any competitive sport, game or activity. It provides a new successful mind picture for the client to automatically recall whenever they play.


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Rugby, Overcoming Fear of Tackling

Fear is always a factor in any contact sport; even more so in the contact sport of rugby, where a fear of tackling can mean the difference between a champion and an also-ran. This hypnosis script is formulated to help any aspiring rugby great to overcome their fear of tackling an opposing player.

It takes the client through accepting their fear as normal, overcoming it by right attitude and progressive practice, and then using their imagination to imprint a successful tackle on the subconscious that the mind will automatically access when the client is confronted with a tackling situation in a game.


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Sharpening Skeet Shooting Skills

This script guides the client through an imaginary visit to a skeet shooting range. He or she experiences sharpening reflexes, a more accurate eye, and the satisfaction of seeing his or her performance improving.


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Slalom Skiing

This script assumes the client is interested in slalom skiing, as opposed to downhill or cross-country.  Further assumes the client is new to the sport.  He or she is taken down a virtual course, with the emphasis on the enjoyment of speed and agility.  The fluidity of motion on slaloming is compared to ballroom dancing.


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Soccer, Enjoying the Game

This script is intended for people who enjoy the sport of soccer, but may be fairly new to it.  The goal is to match the physical sensations of a fast-paced game with well-being and a sense of accomplishment.


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Soccer Improving Mental Skills

This script is for the soccer player who is seeking ways to bring more to their game of soccer than just what they are learning from their training. By seeing that they can also bring along and learn very useful mental skills from their daily life, training does not have to end when the coach tells them to go home. Mental skills can be learned twenty four hours a day, and so much of the game of soccer is mental in nature.


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Supercharging Softball

This script is intended for people who want to improve their softball game.  The emphasis is on building speed, accuracy and strength.  The client feels their speed and strength increasing, as they experience a virtual game on a warm, sunny day.


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Swimming – The Dolphin in You

Mankind has been fascinated with the swimming speed of dolphins for as long as history records. It has been a complete mystery as to how they can achieve such high speeds up until only very recently being solved by scientists. This is a great script for the competition swimmer who would love to harness the swimming power, speed and grace of these amazing mammals.


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Rev-Up Your Tennis Game

This script is designed for tennis players who want to take their performance to the next level. The goal is to increase speed, accuracy, agility and improve hand-to-eye coordination.


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This script is intended for people who want to improve their volleyball game.  The emphasis is on teamwork, rather than individual accomplishment.


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Creating Wealth, Cultivating

I’d like you to use your imagination …  Imagine your own mind as a garden.  You are the gardener and you are planting seeds…  The seeds are your thoughts, all day long you are planting thoughts or seeds in your subconscious mind based on the way that you normally think …   The way that you think, and you sow the seeds in your subconscious mind are the same way that you will reap the reward in your body and your surroundings.


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Building A Success Mindset

Many people seek what they truly desire without much success, due mainly to the fact that they have not adopted the correct mindset to get the job done. This hypnosis script will aid your client in adopting a success mindset to set them on the right path to achieving their desires.


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What If There Were Only Health

Many people find it difficult to create health in their minds when they’re not well. This script is designed for those who have difficulty focusing on health. In this script you’ll imagine what it would be like to be healthy. Focusing on what it would be like has the same meaning to the subconscious mind has if it were actually happening.


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Shifting Your Mental Money Paradigm

You’re always attracting the focus of your subconscious programming. This is the programming that you accumulated throughout your life that is running through your head when you’re not consciously thinking. This script will help you to change your present subconscious money programming to come in line with what you actually want consciously.


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Success Mindset

There are many steps to creating a successful mindset. This script is designed to help you by instilling these traits into your subconscious mind to be naturally success minded. Success will be your new way of thinking.


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You’re a moneymaking machine. It’s time to stop holding back and take advantage of your full potential as a creator in attracting your financial goals. This script will help you to unlock your dormant abilities.


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You’re a Money Magnet

In order to attract money, you must be on the proper frequency of wealth. Many people are on the opposite frequency due to their negative focusing, guilt, feelings of inadequacy and doubt. This script is designed to help you focus on what you desire so you can attract money like a magnet.


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Atkins or Similar Type Low Carb

From this point forward, starting right now you no longer have the desire to snack between meals or get a late night snack.  Snacking no longer appeals to you because you are totally satisfied by low carb meals.  Meats, fish, quality cheeses and low carb foods satisfy you as never before.


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Being More Active

Becoming more active in our day to day lives is of paramount importance if we are to properly care for our bodies. They were designed to move and to be active. Nothing destroys health more than inactivity. Fortunately, opportunities to be more active abound – they are all around us. Just a little bit of imagination is all that is required. This script will do just that. It is designed to open the clients mind to the everyday activities that they may currently be ignoring, but may just be the golden gateway to a more active and healthy lifestyle, perhaps leading to the body of their dreams.


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Boredom Eating

Food can become a great pacifier and activity for people when they have become bored. So easy to reach for a yummy leftover in the fridge or that chocolate bar grabbed in a hurry at the checkout. Unfortunately, it is most often the meals we end up having between our meals that can be causing a great deal of our body weight issues. By the end of a day those snacks (even if healthy in nature) can add up to another complete meal – a complete meal of snack foods! Time to change to a snack-free lifestyle and reap the rewards.


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Eat Great – Lose Weight

The purpose of this script is to encourage healthy eating as a means of losing weight.  It assumes that the client has been cleared for a specific diet or shift in eating habits diet by his or her primary health care provider.


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Eating Impulsively

In most homes today food is very easily obtainable. So easy to walk past the refrigerator, open the door, grab some leftovers. Job done. Problem is dinner was really only 40 minutes away and that food that was so readily grabbed contains the 400 calories that you didn’t need. Somewhere in that equation you lost sight of your weight loss goals and you didn’t think. You acted impulsively. So very easy to do where food is concerned.


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Eating Healthy

The problem is that a lot of what we call junk food is actually quite tasty, is easy to find at the supermarket (it’s the food in the boxes), and is very simple to prepare. Changing to a healthy food regimen requires quite some effort on the part of the health seeker. This script is designed to change the mindset of the client and to steer them in the right direction so that their dreams of a healthier lifestyle can more easily become reality.


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Eating Slow

The speed at which you eat food can have a great impact upon the size of your waist.  When eating it takes approximately twenty minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full. By changing a clients’ eating habit from fast to slow they will not only enjoy their meals more, but consume less calories with each meal thus resulting, over time, in the weight loss they desire. This new habit will hopefully wash over into the rest of their life. Not only a slimmer waist but a new and far more enjoyable lifestyle


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Eating Fast

One of the easiest and least widely known ways to increase the circumference of your waist is to eat your meals far too quickly. The stomach takes up to 20 minutes to signal to the brain that it is full. Adopting a slow eating regime enables us to take the time to chew our food thoroughly enough to allow proper digestion to begin, therefore releasing more of the goodness inside the food and making for far less stomach upsets and digestive problems.

Of more importance, of course, is the mental aspect of taking your time over a meal. How we go about preparing and then eating our food is a very good indicator of how we also relate to and care for our bodies. This script is all about adopting a slow eating pattern, packaged with making a meal an uplifting experience. This will result in a new attitude towards better eating equaling a better body image.


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Enjoy Healthy Shopping Habits

It has been said that major supermarkets already know what you will buy before you even start to shop. They have done their research and placed their products well. You can be sure that it has not all been done for your benefit – and especially not for the benefit of your waist measurements, and that’s all before we even discuss what’s in the food products themselves. This script will put the client back into a position of power as regards shopping for weight loss and a healthier body. It will give them the tools to shop well and shop right.


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Exercise the Pounds Away

This script is all about using exercise for weight loss.  The focus is on making exercise an enjoyable experience.  There’s no law that says exercise has to be a chore.  This script assumes the client is healthy enough for vigorous exercise.


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Fast Foods

Eating healthy in public, especially when ordering from fast food outlets can be a real and daunting problem when a client is trying so hard to change their body image. It can take quite some bravery to stop a waiter and take the time to ask for your food to be cooked to your individual requirements. The pressure is usually there to make hasty and sometimes very unhealthy choices just to get it over and done with and to not be embarrassed by taking longer than others to make a healthy choice.This hypnosis script will change all of that and put the health seeker back in command of the situation where they always should be, and of course, from now on will always be.


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Healthy Cooking & Planning Meals

Successful weight loss and improving body image is never about just eating fewer calories. It’s also about choosing weight loss mentors, those that have gone before, planning and researching the correct and affordable foods and recipes, honing healthy cooking skills and then producing an enjoyable and tasty result.This script will lead the hypnosis client through all these steps and instill the confidence and positive expectation to carry it all through to a successful conclusion.


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Hunger Control

People who have become accustomed to eating large amounts of food over extended periods of time can find it very difficult to bring their hunger back under control. This script will embed into the clients subconscious some of the proven methods to bring their hunger back under control, enabling weight loss to occur, but still leave them feeling satisfied with what and how they are eating.


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Eating Impulsively

In most homes today food is very easily obtainable. So easy to walk past the refrigerator, open the door, grab some leftovers. Job done. Problem is dinner was really only 40 minutes away and that food that was so readily grabbed contains the 400 calories that you didn’t need. Somewhere in that equation you lost sight of your weight loss goals and you didn’t think. You acted impulsively. So very easy to do where food is concerned.This script will put a stop to impulsive eating and put the client back in control of their eating habits.


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Killing the Carbs

Latest dietary research is changing the way we look at weight loss. What was once considered a healthy diet, that is, a diet high in carbohydrates, low to moderate levels of protein and almost no fat, is actually the diet that is causing the obesity epidemic. This script will help anyone who would like to lose weight by adopting the new low carbohydrate paradigm.


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Low Carbs, Low Weight, More Yum

The purpose of this script is to encourage a low carb diet as a means of losing weight.  It assumes that the client has been cleared for such a diet by his or her primary health care provider.


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Keeping it off – Maintenance

This hypnosis script rounds off the previous thirteen scripts by running through all of the weight loss tools the client is now in possession of. It connects all the dots leading to the best of all outcomes – keeping the weight off permanently.


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Portion Control

Many of us went through childhood with mothers who told us that we had to eat all of our dinner and to leave an empty plate. “Think of all those starving people”. Mom meant well, of course, but the truth is that you don’t have to eat everything that is served to you or that you cook for yourself. You only need, and should only eat until just satisfied and no more. What is truly wasteful is eating beyond your physical needs. This script will give your client a new attitude towards portion control.


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Stop Snacking

The only healthy way to snack is not to snack – end of argument. Much has been written and said lately about diets that encourage periods of fasting between eating times and there are many good and scientific reasons for this. There is the 5:2 diet, the 5:1 diet, there is the random 24 hour fast regime. The best and most healthy, with many proven benefits, is the 12:12 diet regime where you only eat between a 12 hour window of each day.


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Stop Sugar

Sugar is known to be more addictive than cocaine and even heroin. The science is rolling in to show a lot of diseases and obesity are linked to sugar consumption.” Food manufacturers are well aware of this, coupled with the fact that sugar is a relatively cheap ingredient and we have a recipe for an obesity disaster. The good news is that it is possible to quit an addiction, yes, even to sugar – to flip a switch in your mind, to walk away, cold turkey. Some say it is the only way.


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Induction: Basic Chair (free)
Induction: The Beach (free)
Induction: Relaxing is a Breeze (free)
Depth Test: Yardstick Depth Test (free)
Deepener: Life is a Gift (free)
Deepener: Rabbit in a Hole (free)
Deepener: Clouds Across the Sky (free)
Awakening I (free)
Awakening II (free)
Awakening III (free)



These FREE Scripts are Original Scripts written by Rene Bastarache, Director of the American School of Hypnosis. They are here as a courtesy to help those just getting started out and to give you an idea of the quality of our individual $5.99 scripts above.

They are copy-written materials and are not to be printed, recorded, sold, shared or re-posted anywhere!

Please be sure to view our paid scripts above to see if we have something that can help you…

A Magical Place of Attracting Abundance
Abundance Worthiness
Acting Healthy to Be Healthy
Anxiety Stress and Worry Release
Attitude of Gratitude
Attracting Abundance of All Types
Attracting Abundance through Gratitude
Breathing Abundance and Prosperity
Calm Your Mind Now
Creating My Mirror Image
Connecting with Spirit Guides
Day of the Dead Celebration Script
Dress for Success
Eliminating Pain – Arm or Leg
Empowered Recovery
Enhanced Creativity
Enhancing Positive Parenting
Get up and Go – Energy
Getting out of Bed Earlier
Guided Imagination for Energy Healing
Housekeeping for Success
Nourishing Nutrition and Healthy Habits
Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction
How to overcome shyness and social anxiety
Quantum Leap – NLP for Financial Fulfillment
Painless Childbirth
Relationship You Desire
Self-Esteem – Change your Story
Shifting Your Mental Money Paradigm
Strengthening the Immune System
Test Anxiety
Guided Imagery for Bodybuilding Success
The Gratitude Desire Creator
The Gratitude Letter
The Healing Letter
Third Eye Activation
Unleashing Inner Fire
Unleashing Success NLP
Victim Mentality Be Gone
Wouldn’t it be Nice (LOA Alternative)


AIA Certified Scripts
aia-hypnosis-smThe American School of Hypnosis, ASH has been creating quality Hypnosis Script Manuals for over 20 years. Now you can finally purchase the individual ones you want rather than having to purchase an entire volume.
These are the same quality scripts you’re used to and they’re all edited and certified by the AIA for professionalism and effectiveness.

The KEY to an Effective Script

Did you know that in order for a hypnosis script to be effective it should adhere to a few vital rules. Here are some key-to-hypnosis-sessionsthat we include in as many of our scripts as possible. Unfortunately many of scripts available on the net don’t comply and can cause more harm than good.

  1. Present tense: The subconscious mind only understands the present. Suggestions written in the past or future tense are ineffective. They must say that you are healthy or wealthy rather than you will be or want to be healthy or wealthy.
  2. Positive: The subconscious mind does not understand negative so any negative suggestions are being reacted to in the opposite. When you say that you don’t want to be broke you are focusing on being broke. Not wanting a divorce attracts divorce and not wanting to be sick attracts sickness. Only state what you want in the positive in order to attract or attain it.
  3. Believable: Your suggestions must be believable in order to be accepted. If you cannot walk 500 yards then wanting to run a marathon is not believable. It has to be within the really of possibility in your mind.
  4. Imaginative: The more you can use your imagination the more accepted your suggestions will become. The subconscious mind does not understand the difference between a real and an imagined memory. They hold the same value.
  5. Carry a reward: Why are you doing the session? Usual the goal is the reward in itself. If there’s no benefit then why work towards the change?
  6. Simple: Shorter is better – Your subconscious mind is similar to a 5 year old child so the messages delivered should be simple, brief and to the point. If your script were 2 to 3 pages you’d begin to lose the attention of the subject and can hinder the process more than helping it unless the information included were fascinating. In other words you can get the point across to stop biting your nails effectively in a half page script without boring the subject with unnecessary jargon.

A No Risk 100% 30 Day Guarantee!

guaranteeYou have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain! We take all the RISK for you. If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with your hypnosis script simply notify us within 30 days and we’ll refund 100% of your script purchase.

Keep in mind that these are downloadable products and once you have them you cannot send them back to us so you get to keep the script as well. Because of this fact we will (only refund ONE SCRIPT per customer).

So if you’re not sure you’re going to like the quality of our scripts just order ONE SCRIPT at no risk and see for yourself. Once you’re convinced go ahead and order as many as you like.


Legal Disclaimer Notice:

The scripts offered on this page are designed to be used by hypnosis professionals and those trained in the field of mental health. They are the author(s) opinions and understanding of hypnosis. Always be sure to work within your realm of practice. Medical or mental health scripts should only be conducted by licensed professional in those fields.It is advised that “before” using any of these or any other scripts, that you read through them in their entirety. You should become familiar with them before using them on your clients so you’re aware of their content, can alter parts as necessary and do not have any unexpected surprises. Neither the author(s) nor the American School of Hypnosis nor the American International Association of Hypnosis are responsible in any way, shape or form for any loss or liability caused by utilization of any of the information presented in this publication. We are not medical or mental health practitioners and these scripts were created as a helpmate to your practice. Please seek out the advice and permission of your physician before using any of our scripts of a medical, health or healing nature to ensure they are safe and acceptable to the user.

NOTE:  In any situation regarding pain it is important to realize that pain is a warning system from the body that there is something not quite orderly within and requires attention.  Therefore the first step should be to check with a medical professional to have it taken care of.